Day-1 JavaScript Notes 2024

Day-1 JavaScript Notes 2024

Here, I post my learnings on JS, to grasp more of it try to run code on any editor, follow comments and analyze the walk-through of code

The basic JavaScript concepts, along with examples and a summary table for revision:

1. Variables

  • Definition: Variables store data values. In JavaScript, you can declare variables using var, let, or const.

    • var: Function-scoped.

    • let: Block-scoped.

    • const: Block-scoped, but the value cannot be reassigned.

  • Example:

      var name = "Srinidhi";
      let age = 21;
      const country = "India";
      /* Output:

2. Data Types

  • Definition: JavaScript has dynamic types, which means the same variable can hold different types of data. Common data types include:

    • Primitive Types: Number, String, Boolean, Null, Undefined, Symbol, BigInt.

    • Non-Primitive Types: Object (including Arrays and Functions).

  • Example:

      let name = "Srinidhi"; // String
      let age = 21; // Number
      let isStudent = true; // Boolean
      let skills = ["JavaScript", "HTML", "CSS"]; // Array
      let person = { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" }; // Object
      let notAssigned; // Undefined
      let empty = null; // Null
      // accessing array and object elemnts will be in Day 3 blog

3. Operators

  • Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, %, ++, --.

      // Arithmetic Operators
      //+, -, *, /, %, ++, -- (Pre,Post)
      let a = 10;
      let b = 5;
      console.log("Arithmetic Operators:");
      console.log('a + b = ${a + b} observe single quote and cross quote closings while logging');//output is: a + b = ${a + b}
      console.log(`a + b = ${a + b}`); // Addition: 10 + 5 = 15
      console.log(`a - b = ${a - b}`); // Subtraction: 10 - 5 = 5
      console.log(`a * b = ${a * b}`); // Multiplication: 10 * 5 = 50
      console.log(`a / b = ${a / b}`); // Division: 10 / 5 = 2
      console.log(`a % b = ${a % b}`); // Modulus: 10 % 5 = 0
      console.log(`++a = ${++a} Pre-increment: a=10 becomes 11 logs-out 11`);     // Pre-increment: a=10 becomes 11 prints 11
      console.log(`--b = ${--b} Pre-decrement: b=5 becomes 4 logs-out 4`);     // Pre-decrement: b=5 becomes 4 prints 4
      console.log(`a++ = ${a++} post inc: a=11 logs-out 11 then becomes 12`);     //post inc: a=11 prints 11 then becomes 12 
      console.log(`b++ = ${b++} post inc: b=4 logs-out 4 then becomes 5`);     //post inc: b=4 prints 4 then becomes 5
      /* OutPut:
      Arithmetic Operators:
      a + b = ${a + b} observe single quote and cross quote closings while logging
      a + b = 15
      a - b = 5
      a * b = 50
      a / b = 2
      a % b = 0
      ++a = 11 Pre-increment: a=10 becomes 11 logs-out 11
      --b = 4 Pre-decrement: b=5 becomes 4 logs-out 4
      a++ = 11 post inc: a=11 logs-out 11 then becomes 12
      b++ = 4 post inc: b=4 logs-out 4 then becomes 5

Comparison Operators: ==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, >=, <=.

// Comparision Operators
//==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, >=, <=
let x = 20;
let y = 15;
let a = 3;
let b = 3;
console.log("\nComparison Operators:\nx=20, y=15, a=3, b=3");
console.log(`x == y: ${x == y}`);  // Equal to: 20 == 15 => false
console.log(`x === y: ${x === y}`); // Strict equal to: 20 === 15 => false
console.log(`a == b : ${a == b}`);
console.log(`a === b : ${a === b}`);
console.log(`x != y: ${x != y}`);  // Not equal to: 20 != 15 => true
console.log(`x !== y: ${x !== y}`); // Strict not equal to: 20 !== 15 => true
console.log(`a != b : ${a != b}`);
console.log(`a !== b : ${a !== b}`);
console.log(`x > y: ${x > y}`);    // Greater than: 20 > 15 => true
console.log(`x < y: ${x < y}`);    // Less than: 20 < 15 => false
console.log(`x >= y: ${x >= y}`);  // Greater than or equal to: 20 >= 15 => true
console.log(`x <= y: ${x <= y}`);  // Less than or equal to: 20 <= 15 => false
console.log('\nMore about ==, ===, !=, !===:');
console.log(`5 == '5' : ${5 == '5'} => true (string '5' is converted to number 5)`); // true (string '5' is converted to number 5)
console.log(`null == undefined : ${null == undefined} => true (null and undefined are considered equal)`); // true (null and undefined are considered equal)
console.log(`5 === '5' : ${5 === '5'} => false (different types: number vs string)`); // false (different types: number vs string)
console.log(`null === undefined : ${null === undefined} => false (different types: null vs undefined)`); // false (different types: null vs undefined)
console.log(`5 != '5' : ${5 != '5'} => false (string '5' is converted to number 5, so they are considered equal)`); // false (string '5' is converted to number 5, so they are considered equal)
console.log(`null != undefined : ${null != undefined} => false (null and undefined are considered equal)`); // false (null and undefined are considered equal)
console.log(`5 !== '5' : ${5 !== '5'} => true (different types: number vs string)`); // true (different types: number vs string)
console.log(`null !== undefined : ${null !== undefined} => true (different types: null vs undefined)`); // true (different types: null vs undefined)
/* OutPut:

Comparison Operators:
x=20, y=15, a=3, b=3 
x == y: false 
x === y: false
a == b : true 
a === b : true
x != y: true  
x !== y: true 
a != b : false
a !== b : false
x > y: true
x < y: false
x >= y: true
x <= y: false

More about ==, ===, !=, !===:
5 == '5' : true => true (string '5' is converted to number 5)
null == undefined : true => true (null and undefined are considered equal)     
5 === '5' : false => false (different types: number vs string)
null === undefined : false => false (different types: null vs undefined)       
5 != '5' : false => false (string '5' is converted to number 5, so they are considered equal)
null != undefined : false => false (null and undefined are considered equal)   
5 !== '5' : true => true (different types: number vs string)
null !== undefined : true => true (different types: null vs undefined)

OperatorComparison TypeType checkExampleResult
\==equalityyes5 == '5'true, reason converts str -> int, then both be of same type hence true
\===strict equalityno5 === '5'false, checked as raw they are different types, hence false
!=inequalityyes5 != '5'false, when type converts both be equal so its asking for inequality hence false
!==strict inequalityno5 !=== '5'true checked as raw, both belong to different types so yeah they are different hence unequal hence true
  • Logical Operators: &&, ||, !.
// Logical Operators
//&& || !
let a = true;
let b = false;

console.log("\nLogical Operators:");
console.log(`a && b: ${a && b}`); // AND: true && false => false
console.log(`a || b: ${a || b}`); // OR: true || false => true
console.log(`!a: ${!a}`);         // NOT: !true => false

Logical Operators:
a && b: false
a || b: true 
!a: false    
  • Assignment Operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=.
// Assignment Operators
// =, +=, -=, *=, /=
let c = 10;

console.log("\nAssignment Operators:");
c += 5; // c = c + 5
console.log(`c += 5: ${c}`); // 15

c -= 3; // c = c - 3
console.log(`c -= 3: ${c}`); // 12

c *= 2; // c = c * 2
console.log(`c *= 2: ${c}`); // 24

c /= 4; // c = c / 4
console.log(`c /= 4: ${c}`); // 6

c %= 2; // c = c % 2
console.log(`c %= 2: ${c}`); // 0

4. Control Flow

  • if/else: Executes a block of code if a condition is true.

  • switch: Performs different actions based on different conditions.

  • Example:

      let time = 18;
      if (time < 12) {
        console.log("Good Morning");
      } else {
        console.log("Good Evening");
      let day = "Monday";
      switch(day) {
        case "Monday":
          console.log(`Start of the week! Its : ${day}`);
        case "Friday":
          console.log(`Weekend is near! Its : ${day}`);
          console.log("Just another day");
      Good Evening
      Start of the week! Its : Monday

5. Loops

  • for: Repeats a block of code a specified number of times.

  • while: Repeats a block of code while a condition is true.

  • Example:

      console.log("For loop 0 -> 4");
      for(let i=0 ; i<5 ; i++)
      console.log("While loop 5 -> 1");
      let j = 5;
      while(j > 0)
      For loop 0 -> 4
      While loop 5 -> 1

6. Functions

  • Definition: Functions are blocks of code designed to perform a particular task, invoked by a function call.

  • Example:

      function greet(name) {
        return `Hello, ${name}!`;
      console.log(greet("Srinidhi"));  // Outputs: Hello, Srinidhi!

7. Scope

  • Definition: Scope refers to the visibility or accessibility of variables. There are two types:

    • Global Scope: Variables declared outside any function/block are globally scoped.

    • Local Scope: Variables declared inside a function/block are locally scoped.

  • Example:

      let globalVar = "Global";  // Global scope
      function checkScope() {
        let localVar = "Local";  // Local scope
        console.log(globalVar);  // Accessible
        console.log(localVar);   // Accessible
      // This is commented bcoz it throws error,
      //console.log(localVar);  // Error: localVar is not defined
      /*Actual Output

8. Hoisting

  • Definition: Hoisting is JavaScript's default behavior of moving declarations to the top of the current scope before code execution. Only the declarations are hoisted, not the initializations.

  • Example:

      console.log(myVar);  // Outputs: undefined (due to hoisting)
      var myVar = 10;      // Declaration is hoisted, but not the initialization

Summary Table for Revision

VariablesStores data values (var, let, const).let name = "Srinidhi";
Data TypesPrimitive (Number, String, etc.) and Non-Primitive (Object, Array).let isActive = true;
OperatorsArithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Assignment operators.let sum = a + b;
Control Flowif/else and switch for decision-making.if (x > 0) {...} else {...}
Loopsfor, while for repeating blocks of code.for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {...}
FunctionsReusable blocks of code.function greet() {...}
ScopeDetermines the visibility of variables (Global vs Local).let globalVar = "Global";
HoistingJavaScript moves variable declarations to the top of their scope.console.log(x); var x = 5;

Comprehensive Example Covering All Concepts

// Variable Declaration
let userName = "Srinidhi";
const birthYear = 2002;
var currentYear = 2024;

// Function Declaration
function calculateAge(birthYear, currentYear) {
  // Using Arithmetic and Assignment Operators
  let age = currentYear - birthYear;

  // Control Flow with if/else
  if (age >= 18) {
    return `You are ${age} years old and eligible to vote.`;
  } else {
    return `You are ${age} years old and not eligible to vote yet.`;

// Loop through years and log eligibility
for (let year = birthYear; year <= currentYear; year++) {
  console.log(`Year: ${year} - ${calculateAge(birthYear, year)}`);

// Switch statement for the day of the week
let day = "Saturday";
switch(day) {
  case "Monday":
    console.log("Start of the week!");
  case "Saturday":
    console.log("Weekend, time to relax!");
    console.log("Another day, keep pushing!");

// Scope Example
let globalScope = "I am global";

function scopeExample() {
  let localScope = "I am local";
  console.log(globalScope);  // Accessible
  console.log(localScope);   // Accessible within the function
// console.log(localScope);  // Uncaught ReferenceError: localScope is not defined

// Hoisting Example
console.log(hoistedVar);  // undefined due to hoisting
var hoistedVar = "Hoisted!";

// End Output
console.log("All concepts covered!");


  • Variables: Declared using let, const, and var.

  • Data Types: Used numbers, strings, and boolean values.

  • Operators: Arithmetic operators (e.g., -) and comparison operators (e.g., >=) are used.

  • Control Flow: if/else and switch statements manage conditional logic.

  • Loops: A for loop iterates over the years.

  • Functions: The calculateAge function is a reusable block of code.

  • Scope: The scopeExample function demonstrates the difference between global and local scope.

  • Hoisting: Demonstrated with var variable hoisting.

This example covers all the key JavaScript concepts you've asked for and demonstrates their use in a real-world scenario.