Data Structures Overview (frequently Asked a little overview)

Data Types:

To start storing based on the type the DATA belongs too.

Strongly Typed vs Loosely Typed:

Strongly Types: The languages that ask to have or mention the type of the Data. Example: c++, java

Loosely Typed: The languages that not necessarily ask to have or mention the type of the Data.
Example: php, perl, js

In this contrary of building, processing Data, there goes the story for Data Structures to:

  • Store

  • Retrieve

  • Process

    the Data.

We need:

  • Efficient procedures which is the start of Complexity Measure


Measure through: Memory & Operations ongoing.



Homogeneous Collection of Data

Real-Life Examples: Tea-Tray & Cups

Structure: Linear, Sequential

Type of access: (Static) Fixed Length

Requires: index, value

Operations: insert, update, delete, retrieve

Stack Queue: (LIFO)

Adding Deleting element from last.

Re al-Life Examples: Pack of books.


create Node


Root on Top

Binary Tree: node have left right chilren
BST: left small right big (sorted tree)

Heap (Complete binary tree)

TRIE(for Alphabets)

auto complete, dictionary

Map(easy access of elements)

key-value pairs

Ordered, Unordered

