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To make your device safe and secure, you should:
turn the firewall on
install antivirus and antispyware
manage your operating system and browser
set up password protection.
And follow below scenario's:
Be careful of the posts on social media and the content you put out like the bank credentials, photos with your loved ones and big earrings etc
Regarding the passwords and authentication savings
consious about open wifi-network that your device connecting to and if you use Open network use under VPN mode for extra access control and security wise.
installing un-verified softwares and clicking on pop-ups, apk's
un-usual links and URL clicks can be harmful that something is free
clicking on spam or un-trusted web emails
service set identifier (SSID): Wireless networks allow Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as laptops and tablets, to connect to the network by way of a preset network identifier.
VPN - Virtual Private Network
KRACK - key reinstallation attacks
NIC - network interface card
use an encrypted VPN service to prevent others from intercepting your information (known as ‘eavesdropping’) over a public wireless network.
Encryption is the process of converting information into a form in which unauthorized parties cannot read it.
Encrypting File System (EFS) is a Windows feature that can encrypt data.