week 3 day 1 web3

Week1 : Hashing
Week2 : Encryption Slides DailyCode (100xdevs.com)

Week3 : Hashing algorithm etheream uses ECDSA

Slides: https://petal-estimate-4e9.notion.site/Creating-a-web-based-wallet-b628b611dd934ca8b68a2654ac14fdb4

Ethereum public addresses are 20 bytes

HD wallets (Hierarchial Deterministic)

bitcoin 2008 launched.

  1. create a 12-word pnumonic

  2. from that seeed phrase

  3. from that various blocks/derivation paths


Solana public keys are 32 bytes
thats y eth public key is short than Sol

Full stack Front vs Back:

JSON-RPC(Remote procedure call)

in postman write this code:

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,

take-home works:

install postman